How To Assign a Dedicated IP Address to a Subdomain using cPanel/WHM

How To Assign a Dedicated IP Address to a Subdomain using cPanel/WHM

Please note that you can only do this is you have root access to the server. Get a VPS Hosting here to have root access to your server:

To assign a dedicated IP address to a subdomain, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Add the dedicated IP address to the user's subdomain file.


In this example, represents the subdomain to which to assign a dedicated IP address.

To add the dedicated IP address to the subdomain.example.comfile, perform the following steps:


  1. Log in to the server as the root user via SSH.
  2. Navigate to the /var/cpanel/userdata/usernamedirectory.


    username represents the user who requires that each subdomain use a dedicated IP address.

  3. Open the file with a text editor. The file's contents will resemble the following example:

        format: combined
        target: /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
        format: "\"%{%s}t %I .\\n%{%s}t %O .\""
        target: /usr/local/apache/domlogs/
    documentroot: /home/username/public_html
    group: Group1
    hascgi: 1
    homedir: /home/username
    owner: username
    phpopenbasedirprotect: 1
    port: 80
        path: /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin
        url: /cgi-bin/
        path: /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/
        url: /cgi-bin/
    usecanonicalname: 'Off'
    user: username
    userdirprotect: ''
  4. Change the ip line to reflect the dedicated IP address to assign to the subdomain, for example:



    On servers that use the 1:1 NAT configuration, you must add the server's internal IP address to this file.

Step 2: Rebuild and restart Apache

After you modify the appropriate files, rebuild and restart Apache. To do this, perform either of the following actions:

  • Manually rebuild and restart Apache. To do this, run the following commands:

  • Rebuild and restart Apache in WHM's Restart Servicesinterface (Home >> Services >> Restart Services).

Step 3: Add the IP address to the nameserver records

Add the subdomain's dedicated IP address to the server's nameserver records. To do this, use either of the following methods:

  • Edit the subdomain's IP address in WHM's Edit DNS Zone interface (Home >> DNS Functions >> Edit DNS Zone).
  • Edit the subdomain's IP address with the WHM API 1 Functions - editzonerecord function call.

Step 4: Reserve the dedicated IP address

To reserve the subdomain's dedicated IP address, Add the subdomains' dedicated IP address to the reserved IP list so that the system does not assign it other accounts or sites. Perform this action in WHM's Show/Edit Reserved IPs interface (Home >> IP Functions >> Show/Edit Reserved IPs).

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